Revision for a web developer
Well, Today, I find myself unexpectedly penning down these notes, a response that was prompted by a colleague's curiosity regarding the essential knowledge for their current role. As my junior, they sought insights into the realms of JavaScript, React, and the nuances of TypeScript.
Maybe I talked with him so quickly that he told me to write my notes because he thinks that I am very good at explaining things that I know.
During my college and school time before exams, my friends used to ask me for revision for certain questions. A friend named Bhavesh fondly recalls, even now, how my succinct explanations in our native language of Gujarati enabled him to translate my three-minute summaries into three pages of eloquent answers on English-language exams.
Maybe I'm not an expert or as knowledgeable as thought leaders or some influencers on tech Twitter. Maybe whatever I write below is not exactly a silver bullet or a golden rule or whatever you call it.
So, Welcome to my collection of notes—a fusion of knowledge and experience.
JavaScript: Beyond Syntax
JavaScript is more than a mere syntax, a concept that every web developer should grasp:
- Currying: Understanding the technique of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments into a series of functions that take one argument.
- Closures: The concept of functions retaining access to variables even after they have exited their scope.
- Execution Context: The mechanism that manages the execution of JavaScript code.
- Event Loop: The asynchronous nature of JavaScript through its event-driven execution model.
- Async Await: Writing asynchronous code in a synchronous-like manner.
- Hoisting: Behavior of variable and function declarations being moved to the top of their respective scopes.
- Promise: A crucial tool for handling asynchronous operations.
- Scope: Global, Local, and Block scopes, each with its implications.
- Array Methods: Methods that empower developers to manipulate arrays effectively.
- Callback: Understanding the concept of passing functions as arguments to other functions to execute to pass further.
- Inheritance: Both classical and prototypal.
- Prototype: The prototype chain and its role in object-oriented programming.
- Higher Order Functions: Functions that can manipulate and work with other functions.
- Value & Reference: Differentiating between value types and reference types in JavaScript's variable assignments.
React: Unveiling the Library's Core
React, a JavaScript UI library forms the foundation for modern web development:
- Hooks: The versatile Hooks that have revolutionized state management and component logic.
- React.createElement: A critical insight into this foundational function, deserving attention.
- When Not to Use State: Scenarios where utilizing React's state might not be the optimal approach.
- The Importance of Keys: Unraveling the significance of keys in React's virtual DOM rendering.
- Thinking in React: A philosophical journey into comprehending the essence of components and their composition.
- Virtual DOM: The inner workings of the Virtual DOM, a cornerstone of React's performance optimization.
- Component Lifecycles: Understanding the sequence of events in a component's lifecycle and their applications.
In the forthcoming installments of these notes, I shall give my best to explain each concept with the same enthusiasm that was acclaimed earlier. Through this journal, I aim to bridge the gap between complex concepts and accessible understanding.
Warm regards,